Carnivale De Sensuale
Burlesque - Magic - Sideshow - Aerialist
Join The Carnivale Family!
Would you like to perform on one of the biggest stages in Denver?
Carnivale De Sensuale is held 4 times a year in the mile high city of Denver, Colorado at the historic Oriental Theater. Performers are showcased in front of a sold out crowd of 500+ enthusiastic attendees.
Each Carnivale is inspired by an ancient Pagan celebration. Emphasizing variety, each show consists of Burlesque, Magic, Aerial, and Side Show performances.
Carnivale De Sensuale is always looking for new, innovating, and exciting performers and acts for our shows!
We are open to all Burlesque, Aerial, and Sideshow style performances, with a heavy emphasis on a more neo/edgy style.
1 - If you have ever been cast in Carnivale you may now submit new acts with NO APPLICATION FEE.
2 - If you are new to Carnivale there is a $10 application fee per act.
3 - All applications must include video. It does NOT need to be from a live performance (can be filmed at home if you wish) but we must be able to see the choreography and mostly complete costume/prop design.
4 - Once you have submitted an act it will remain in our database going forward, so there is no need to re-submit an act in the future unless you have made significant changes to it.
$10 Application Fee:
If you have never been cast in Carnivale your application must be accompanied by a $10 application fee. Please PayPal $10 to scott@sacredchaoproductions.com
You may submit more than one act if you wish, but each act must be submitted separately.
Step 2) Fill out application
Click on the link below and complete the application.
Please note: Videos ARE required with every application, but they so NOT need to be from a live performance. Videos recorded at home are completely acceptable as long as they effectively show your choreography and reasonably complete costume/props.